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+88 01777-752830

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Head Office
+88 01777-752830

Welcome to
The Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh (SOSB) is a platform for all the surgeons of Bangladesh. Our association is an ever expanding and evolving one, pursuing the highest level of surgical care. We are committed to the advancement of surgical science and practice through the promotion of surgical education, training, and research. We are dedicated to the welfare of our patients and the improvement of surgical care in Bangladesh.

Become a member

“Every member of SOSB will get exciting facilities such as courses from experts, seminars, workshops, reading rooms, and various types of training to excel the career.”

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“conferences and get a chance to meet with the top surgeons of Bangladesh. You will also get a chance to learn from the experts and share your knowledge with others.”

Recent Blogs

The Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh (SOSB) is a professional organization which takes care of the surgeons of all specialties of the country, prioritising the career building, and offering advanced training facilities thereby improving the surgical health for the people. READ MORE

Prof. Dr. Name


Becoming the newly elected Secretary General of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh (SOSB) for the 2024–2025 term is a great honor and privilege for me. Since its inception in 1979 SOSB has been working tirelessly to provide better services to the surgical patients, educate and motivate the public READ MORE

Prof. Dr. Name

Secretary General

Membership Benefits

Each year’s subscriptions shall entitle the member to all privileges of the membership of the society including those of receiving the Journals for the current year and to the privileges confirmed by the branches of which he is a member.

Every member shall be supplied with copies of all publications of the society either free or against charges at such rates as the society may fix from time to time.

Every member shall be entitled to use the reading room and the library of the society.

Every member shall have the right to attend and take part in discussion in all general and clinical meetings, lectures and demonstration organized by the society or by the branches of which he is a member.

Every general and life member shall have the right to vote on all regulations put forward at any of the general meeting of the society in the manner as stipulated in the bye-laws.

Every General member and Life member shall have the right to vote in the election of the Executive Council of the Society and Executive Committee of the branch ( if he is a member of that branch) and to be elected as office bearer or members of the Executive Council and branch Executive Committee of the society ( if he is a member of that branch).

Every member shall enjoy all other privileges that may hereinafter be offered by the society.

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Vice President (Outside of Rajshahi)



Vice President (Outside of Rajshahi)


